Guidelines for django CMS projects


These guidelines are based on the best practice established by the Jazzband project, a community of contributors that shares the responsibility of maintaining Python-based projects.

The django CMS ecosystem consists of many custom projects. Often these projects are maintained by the author himself. However, sometimes it can make sense to put a project in the care of the django CMS project. Either because it is of interest to the entire community, or because the author can no longer devote time to maintain the project himself.

Whether an existing project is transferred to the django CMS Github organization, or a new project is set up within the django CMS Github organization, it is important that certain standards are followed.

Acceptance criteria for new projects or existing ones

Projects must meet the criteria of viability, documentation, testing, code of conducts and contributing guidelines. But before that, they must be approved by the Tech Committee.

Approval by Tech Committee of the django CMS Association

New projects or project transfers under the django CMS patronage must first be approved by the Tech Committee. For that you should join the #tech-committee channel on Slack and simply submit your proposal. Then, the TC decides whether or not your project is in line with the product roadmap and overall vision for django CMS.


Projects to be maintained by the django CMS project must have a certain maturity (No proof of concepts, one-off toys or code snippet hosts) and cover a profound functionality. They should also be transferred to django CMS with the agreement of the previous maintainer and in consultation with the Tech Committee (see Tech Committee).


Project documentation is one of the most important aspects of a project. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that the project includes prose documentation for end users and contributors. It is also strongly recommended to prepare inline code documentation, as this is considered an indicator of high quality code. Please document as much as possible, but also as clearly and concisely as possible. To quote Jazzband “Write like you’re addressing yourself in a few years.” More information about how to contribute software documentation can be found here.


Your contributions and fixes are more than welcome as for your tests. We do not want to compromise our codebase. Therefore, you are going to have to include tests if you want to contribute. Automatic testing based on GitHub Actions is also strongly encouraged. For more information about running and writing tests please see here.


Projects are required to adopt and follow the django CMS code of conduct. Please see the Contributor Code of Conduct for more information about what that entails and how to report conduct violations.

Contributing Guidelines

Projects have to add a ( Markdown ) or CONTRIBUTING.rst ( reStructuredText ) file to their repository so it’s automatically displayed when new issues and pull requests are created.

The respective file needs to contain this text:

First of all, thank you for wanting to contribute to the django CMS. We always welcome contributions, like many other open-source projects. We are very thankful to the many present, past and future contributors, to our community heros and to the [members of the django CMS Association. This is a django CMS project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines. Of course extending the contributing document with your project’s contributing guide is highly encouraged, too. See GitHub’s documentation on contributing guidelines for more information.

Move an existing project to the django CMS Github organization

To initiate the transfer to django CMS, you should use Github’s Transfer Feature to transfer the repository to the django CMS organization.